Back Country Plowing and Grooming

During the winter recreation season, you can find the latest conditions as reported by the groomers on the bottom of some of the Washington State Park webpages. Please follow the links where provided.

This page provides the grooming schedule as the groomer provided it to Washington State Parks as well as any other links that may provide grooming information. Northwest Portal has no relationship with the groomer and does not certify that grooming is being done on this schedule.


Atkisson, Cougar, Curley Creek, Flattop, Johnson Creek, Koshko Sno-Park, Lone Butte, Marble Mountain, McClellan Meadows Sno-Park, Oldman Pass, Orr Creek, Pineside, Skate Creek, Snow King, & Wakepish.

Grooming depends on snow conditions and funding.

2023-2024 Season Grooming Schedule:

Marble Mountain (MMSP) / Cougar (CSP)

Monday - Old Man Pass

Tuesday - Wakepish / Orr, Johnson, Skate

Wednesday - Marble Mountain / Orr, Johnson, Skate

Thursday - No grooming

Friday - Old Man Pass / Pineside

Saturday - Marble Mountain / Flattop

Sunday - Marble Mountain / Flattop / Pineside

Snowmobile Club:


Club Sponsor

Junco Snowmobile club meets monthly in Spanaway at God Father’s Pizza on the 1st Monday each month October through April. The no host cocktail hour begins at 6:00 pm with the meeting at 7:00 pm. We are a small informal club that is always looking for new friends who would like to join us. Membership for a family is only $20.00 per year. Our big event is Charity On The Snow. A charity auction, guided rides, and activities over the Martin Luther King weekend each year. Benefits the Make a Wish Foundation.