Learn About the Wineries While Exploring Wine Country
Take a drive through wine country this spring, and learn about the wineries as you explore the region with the Lines on Wines Podcast and Northwest Portal’s Taste NW web map and app.
Lines on Wines features interviews by Marji Morgan, a wine enthusiast and retired Central Washington University History Professor, with over 140 Washington winegrowers.
Taste NW, a free web map and app for Apple and Android, features over 100 upcoming events and more than 1,000 agricultural attractions including wineries, breweries, distilleries, cideries, farmers markets, farm stands, and farm attractions as well as all other attractions and recreation opportunities in Washington.
Taste NW has partnered with Lines on Wines to add links to the destinations discussed in each of these podcasts: tasting rooms, wineries, and vineyards. Search for “linesonwines” in the web map to highlight all of the wineries and tasting rooms featured in the show.
Recent podcasts include Upsidedown Wine, with tasting rooms in Cle Elum and Hood River; Tirriddis Winery in Prosser, which specializes in sparkling wines; and Syncline Winery, on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge.
Harvest at Tirriddis Wine. Photo courtesy of the Tirriddis.
Taste NW is available FREE as a web map that you can access in your browser or an app for Apple and Android.
Both the web map and the app have tools to help you plan and navigate your adventure.
Use the search feature in the Taste NW web map to highlight all of the destinations covered in a single podcast or to see the locations for every episode. You can also search for a specific winery, tasting room, or recreation facility by name. (The app only allows you to search by place name, but the web map supports search by blog).
Use the filters to find a destination that meets your needs: a tasting room that is open Monday, dog friendly, serves food and has outdoor seating? We have you covered here. Looking for a place to stop and stretch your legs? The web map and app also has all of the recreation in the state. Use the filters to find a place to stop that has what you need: hiking trails, a bathroom, picnic area, viewpoint. You can even filter by recreation pass required (or free).
Click on any place on the map to get more information, including links to Lines on Wines podcasts, directions, web link, hours and information on amenities, facilities, and recreation pass required.
Use the View or Post Trip Report link to share information about places you have visited and see what other people have written.
The map includes not just wineries but all types of agritourism including distilleries, cideries, breweries/brew pubs, farmers markets, farm stands, farm attractions, and some local favorite restaurants. It also has upcoming events, attractions, and all summer/year-round recreation opportunities to help you enjoy all that the region has to offer.
Take a day trip or a long weekend and explore wine country through the lens of the foods that make the region special.
If you have suggestions about places you would like to see, filters that would help you pick your destination, or information we should add, give us a call at 509-312-0979, email us at contact@northwestportal.com, or use the Contact Us form. We would love to hear from you!
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