Community NW
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The Community NW Recreation Map
Share what makes your community special
The community map serves as a landing page for our community partners. Like the outdoors map, it has all of the recreation in the region, but it also highlights communities, community tours and member businesses.

Community NW Legend
Most common Icons
Community NW Filters
Filters let you find the perfect destination by highlighting places that meet all of the your conditions.
Filters are organized in groups to make them easier to find, but you can select from more than one group. Most groups highlight places that meet all of the conditions but a few (land manager, pass and days open) let you see places that have any of the options you select.
On the App, use the filter button in the upper right to open the filter menu, on the web map use the Filter button to access the filter groups. Once you are done, use the Clear (on the web map) or Reset (on the app).
The community map has more business filters than the other maps, to capture the needs of our member communities.
Other map functions
Plot your location with your phone GPS,
Use the search function to highlight places by name. Hints: You can also search by the name of the water body and use search to highlight places written up in Northwest Portal Blogs and partner blogs. If you want to use search to find a city and only want to highlight the city, add “City of” to the search name (City of Ellensburg will give you just the city, Ellensburg will give you the city and any places with Ellensburg in the name.)
Use the maps even when off line: On the apps, you can download region for offline navigation. Hint: Make sure to update your downloads regularly to get the latest updates. Once you have downloaded a region, you will not see changes until you update.
You can share the web maps with filters or search applied. You can also embed the maps on a page, with a specific location highlighted.
Community Blog Posts
Participating Communities
Brewster, Lewis County, Travel Tacoma, Walla Walla Downtown, Wilkeson
Although we make every effort to work with land managers and user groups to ensure that the information and material on this app remains as accurate as possible, the information is from public sources and Northwest Portal by Washington Hometown has no way to verify the accuracy of the data. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made or given about accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information or material for a particular purpose. Use of this website is at the risk of the user and we shall not be liable for any claim damage or loss whatsoever which may arise or result from such use.
This project is produced in collaboration with TOTAGO, an App designer committed to helping people find ways to:
Turn Off the App - Go Outside
Eastern Washington State is a paradise for both wine and outdoor recreation. Here are three great destinations where you can taste wine at the vineyard and also enjoy an outdoor adventure.