Use our data to tell your story
Data Subscriptions
Use Northwest Portal’s recreation data for mapping or analysis
Start with quality data so you can focus on the story you are trying to tell or the questions you want to answer.
Trak Maps
Mobile App developers use the Northwest Portal data on their apps, including Trak Maps Snowmobile maps for GPS and OHV App.
Recreation & Conservation Office
The Washington State Recreation & Conservation Office uses Northwest Portal’s data to evaluate grant projects and analyze recreation gaps.
The Olympic Peninsula Recreation Cooperative
This collaborative is using Northwest Portal data to analyze recreation on the peninsula. Their subscription includes both the data and an interactive map.
Data Subscriptions
With Northwest Portal, it is easier than ever to acquire quality recreation data at an affordable price for your maps, apps, and analysis. We offer a rich set of data that includes detailed information for each record. We are constantly improving our data by updating records and adding new places. If you see things that are missing or need to be changed, let us know and we will get the updates posted within a week. There is no need to edit the data yourself.
Instead of dedicating resources to gathering data for your project, we can provide you the data you need. Because we maintain our data to serve multiple purposes, we can offer comprehensive, consolidated data with the attributes you need at a cost far below what it would take an organization to develop and maintain the data themselves and we can deliver a complete data set as soon as payment is received.
The record for every facility, trail and area includes information on where the data came from, who owns/manages the resource, and, in most cases, amenities and facilities, allowed activities, required pass and other information that helps identify how places can be used. The data also has filter digraphs built in if you want to easily capture every place that has a particular activity or amenity.
Subscription Options
If you use Mapbox to host your web maps, you can integrate the Northwest Portal data layers directly into your map. No need to update data. We can help you configure and symbolize the data to meet your needs. You can select one layer or use all of the data. Rates start at just $300/year.
Data Download
The data is provided by subscription and is updated at least twice a month. It is posted to Dropbox so you can download the latest version whenever you need it.
The data license entitles you to use the data for maps, apps, and analysis for one organization. If you are a contractor doing work for multiple organizations, there is a small additional fee for each organization you are supporting.
When purchasing a data subscription, you can select the following:
Geographic extent:
Data is priced by the area. Data can be selected by boundaries (county, watershed, congressional district, etc.), or it can be clipped to a custom boundary.
Attribute format:
Web-optimized format has fields combined for easier presentation in the pop-up box on a web map. For example, all of the elements of the address are combined into a single field with named area, city, or county for places that do not have an address and header text is added as needed.
Raw format has the data as it appears in the database.
Specific fields:
You can have all of the fields in the web or raw table or select the specific fields you want included in your output.
Spatial data format:
We currently provide outputs in shapefile, CSV, GeoJSON, GeoRSS, GPX, KML, and PDF formats. You can also subscribe to an output from the database in XLSX format that includes memo fields that cannot be passed through the spatial formats.
You select what data you want to see. Data can be filtered by the type of place or by any information about the place. For example, you could filter for trail access, places managed by the National Park Service, or places with horse facilities. The filters can be complex—selecting records that meet multiple criteria.
Data rates:
Data subscriptions start at $250 for government or non-profit organizations that want a single city or up to 1/2 a county, $500 for county data and $1,500 for the entire state. For profit, commercial rates are higher, but still a bar
Non-profit/governments users get a significant discount on the data (50%+),
Commercial users get 50% off data subscriptions after the first year.